(This is designed for the Steam release of Bioshock. For the Retail version, simply use the "DefUser.ini" instead of the "DefUser_int.")
Player Effect Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Game/Player Effects.
Find and open DefUser_int (located in the Release folder) file. Find the key you want to bind the code to and set the bind (for example, "F10=god").
Save the file and start the game, while in-game press the bound key to toggle.
***NOTE*** The cheat can be deactivated if a video cutscene appears or if you move to a new area.
- Become Invulnerable/Invincible = god
- Disable Clipping = ghost
- Disable Fly and Ghost cheats = walk
- Fly = fly
- Gives $500 = igbigbucks
- Gives EVE = givebioammo
- Immediately refills your health bar to max = givehealth
- Kill All Enemies on Level = killpawns
- Kill Specific Class Enemy = KillAll (NameOfAIClassToKill)
- Kill Self = suicide
- Slomo Mode = slomo X (X=Value) (0.0=slow; 1.0=norm; 2.0=fast; 3.0=faster; 4.0=fastest)
- Teleport to Crosshair = teleport
- Change Size = ChangeSize [Value] (0.0=normal; 5.0=large; 10.0=larger; 15.0=big; 20.0=huge)
- Change Gravity = SetGravity [Value] (0.0 = no gravity, -1400.0 = normal gravity)
- Change Jump Height = SetJumpZ [Value] (600.0=normal; 1200.0=highest with no fall damage)
- Show/Hide HUD = HideHUD; ShowHUD
- 1st/3rd Person View = ToggleBehindView (reuse to switch back)
Plasmid/Tonic Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Plasmids/Tonics.
1.) Make a text file, call it Plasmid.txt, Tonic.txt, etc.
2.) In the file DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
- exec Plasmid.txt
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Plasmid.txt"
5.) Head to a gene bank.
6.) Enjoy your newfound powers!
***NOTE*** It is advised to use each code ONLY ONCE in each play through. If entered more than once, or if entered after you already obtained it in-game, the game will try to display a power that (technically) is no longer there, as it's just been over-written, and it will not work properly/produce strange effects/bug out your game.
***NOTE*** I have included a few items that do not originally appear in the game. I have given these to you for your convenience/game experience, but use with caution. I will not be held accountable if you have used them improperly. I did not however, include items that have been proven to cause serious glitching/breaking of the game, such as the Teleport plasmid, or items that have no effect/display.
- Alarm Expert = GEP AlarmExpert
- Alarm Expert 2 = GEP AlarmExpertTwo
- Armored Shell = GEP ArmoredBody
- Armored Shell 2 = GEP ArmoredBodyTwo
- Bloodlust = GEP Bloodlust
- Booze Hound = GEP BoozeHound
- Clever Inventor = GEP EfficientCrafter
- Cyclone Trap = GEP SpringboardTrap
- Cyclone Trap 2 = GEP SpringboardTrapTwo
- Damage Research = GEP DeepResearcher
- Damage Research 2 = GEP DeepResearcherTwo
- Electric Bolt 1 = GEP ElectricBolt
- Electric Bolt 2 = GEP ElectricBoltTwo
- Electric Bolt 3 = GEP ElectricBoltThree
- Electric Flesh = GEP ElectricBody
- Electric Flesh 2 = GEP ElectricBodyTwo
- Enrage! = GEP BerserkRage
- EVE Link = GEP MedHypoOmnisynthesis
- EVE Link 2 = GEP MedHypoOmnisynthesisTwo
- EVE Saver = GEP BioAmmoEfficiency
- Extra Nutrition = GEP HealthyConsumer
- Extra Nutrition 2 = GEP HealthyConsumerTwo
- Extra Nutrition 3 = GEP HealthyConsumerThree
- Focused Hacker = GEP ElectronicsExpert
- Focused Hacker 2 = GEP ElectronicsExpertTwo
- Frozen Field = GEP FreezingNimbus
- Frozen Field 2 = GEP FreezingNimbusTwo
- Hacker's Delight = GEP GeneticHacker
- Hacker's Delight 2 = GEP GeneticHackerTwo
- Hacker's Delight 3 = GEP GeneticHackerThree
- Hacking Expert = GEP HackingExpert
- Hacking Expert 2 = GEP HackingExpertTwo
- Human Inferno = GEP SuperHeated
- Human Inferno 2 = GEP SuperHeatedTwo
- Hypnotize Big Daddy = GEP SummonProtector
- Hypnotize Big Daddy 2 = GEP SummonProtectorTwo
- Incinerate! 1 = GEP Incineration
- Incinerate! 2 = GEP IncinerationTwo
- Incinerate! 3 = GEP IncinerationThree
- Insect Swarm = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmid
- Insect Swarm 2 = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmidTwo
- Insect Swarm 3 = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmidThree
- Machine Buster = GEP MachineBully
- Machine Buster 2 = GEP MachineBullyTwo
- Medical Expert = GEP MedicineFriendly
- Medical Expert 2 = GEP MedicineFriendlyTwo
- Medical Expert 3 = GEP MedicineFriendlyThree
- Natural Camouflage = GEP ChameleonBlood
- Organic Pockets (double carry capacity) = GEP OrganicPockets
- Photographer's Eye = GEP EyeForDetail
- Photographer's Eye 2 = GEP EyeForDetailTwo
- Prolific Inventor = GEP ProlificCrafter
- Safecracker = GEP StationExpert
- Safecracker 2 = GEP StationExpertTwo
- Scrounger = GEP ThoroughScavenger
- Security Bullseye = GEP SecurityBeacon
- Security Evasion = GEP NearSightedCameras
- Security Evasion 2 = GEP NearSightedCamerasTwo
- Security Expert = GEP SecuritySystemsExpert
- Security Expert 2 = GEP SecuritySystemsExpertTwo
- Shorten Alarms = GEP ShorterAlarm
- Shorten Alarms 2 = GEP ShorterAlarmTwo
- Shutdown Expert (increase hack time) = GEP ExtendedShutdown
- Sport Boost = GEP FastTwitch
- Sport Boost 2 = GEP FastTwitchTwo
- Speedy Hacker = GEP SlowFlow
- Speedy Hacker 2 = GEP SlowFlowTwo
- Static Discharge = GEP ChargedBursts
- Static Discharge 2 = GEP ChargedBurstsTwo
- Target Dummy = GEP DecoyHuman
- Telekinesis = GEP Telekinesis
- Telekinesis 2 = GEP TelekinesisTwo
- Telekinesis 3 = GEP TelekinesisThree
- Vending Expert = GEP VendingExpert
- Vending Expert 2 = GEP VendingExpertTwo
- Winter Blast 1 = GEP IcicleAssault
- Winter Blast 2 = GEP IcicleAssaultTwo
- Winter Blast 3 = GEP IcicleAssaultThree
- Wrench Jockey = GEP MeleeMaster
- Wrench Jockey 2 = GEP MeleeMasterTwo
- Wrench Lurker = GEP SneakAttack
- Wrench Lurker 2 = GEP SneakAttackTwo
Item Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Items/Weapons.
1.) Make a text file, call it Item.txt, Upgrade.txt, Weapon.txt, etc.
2.) In the file DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
- exec Item.txt
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Item.txt"
5.) Enjoy your new items!
***NOTE*** Each Item has a specific inventory limit listed with "(normal/organic)" next to each code; 999 is more effective to max each item if using multiple codes, so you don't confuse yourself.
***NOTE*** It is not advised to use AddWeaponStatUpgrade or GiveWeapon commands more than once. You should make seperate .txt files for these. It is not advised to use a higher value than (1) for the Slot/Health Bar/Eve Bar codes. You should make seperate .txt files for each Slot Upgrade/Health Bar/EVE Bar, so you can specifically control what you are doing to yourself.
Items, Weapons, and Ammunition
- GiveItem 1-9999 ShockGame.Adam (9999)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.AutoHack (5/10)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockDesignerClasses.BioAmmoHypo (9/18)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Film (100)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockDesignerClasses.MedHypo (9/18)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.WeaponsGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.EngineeringGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.PhysicalGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.ActiveGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.BioAmmoUpgrade
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.HealthUpgrade
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Pistol
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_AntiPersonnel (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_ArmorPiercing (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_Bullet (48/96)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.ChemicalThrower
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_IonicGel (200/400)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_Kerosene (400/800)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_LiquidNitrogen (200/400)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Crossbow
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_Bolt (48/96)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_SuperHeatedBolt (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_TrapBolt (24/48)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Wrench
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Shotgun
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_00Buck (48/96)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_HighExplosiveBuck (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_IonicBuck (24/48)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.MachineGun
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_ArmorPiercingBullet (180/360)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_FrozenBullet (180/360)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_Bullet (360/720)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_FragGrenade (12/24)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_RPG (6/12)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_StickyGrenade (6/12)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.CeilingCrawlerOrgan
Power To The People Upgrades- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Pistol MagazineSize
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Pistol Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade ChemicalThrower ConsumptionRate
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade ChemicalThrower Range
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Crossbow BreakageChance
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Crossbow Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade GrenadeLauncher Immunity
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade GrenadeLauncher Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade MachineGun Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade MachineGun Kickback
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Shotgun Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Shotgun RateOfFire
Research Bonus Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Research Bonuses.
1.) Make a text file, call it Research.txt.
2.) In the file DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
- exec Research.txt
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Research.txt"
5.) Enjoy!
***NOTE*** These codes offer the maximum "XP" value for each enemy. Should only be used once. I don't recommend using more than one code at a time, as it may make your game unresponsive.
- Bouncer Big Daddy = TestAddResearchPoints Bouncer 2000
- Houdini Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints Assassin 1750
- Leadhead Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints RangedAggressor 1750
- Little Sister = TestAddResearchPoints Gatherer 2000
- Nitro Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints Grenadier 1750
- Rosie = TestAddResearchPoints Rosie 2000
- Security Bot = TestAddResearchPoints SecurityBot 1750
- Security Camera = TestAddResearchPoints SecurityCamera 1750
- Spider Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints CeilingCrawler 1750
- Thuggish Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints MeleeThug 1750
- Turret = TestAddResearchPoints Turret 1750
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