(This is designed for the Steam release of Bioshock. For the Retail version, simply use the "DefUser.ini" instead of the "DefUser_int.")
Player Effect Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Game/Player Effects.
Find and open
DefUser_int (located in the Release folder) file. Find the key you want to bind the code to and set the bind (for example, "F10=god").
Save the file and start the game, while in-game press the bound key to toggle.
***NOTE*** The cheat can be deactivated if a video cutscene appears or if you move to a new area.
- Become Invulnerable/Invincible = god
- Disable Clipping = ghost
- Disable Fly and Ghost cheats = walk
- Fly = fly
- Gives $500 = igbigbucks
- Gives EVE = givebioammo
- Immediately refills your health bar to max = givehealth
- Kill All Enemies on Level = killpawns
- Kill Specific Class Enemy = KillAll (NameOfAIClassToKill)
- Kill Self = suicide
- Slomo Mode = slomo X (X=Value) (0.0=slow; 1.0=norm; 2.0=fast; 3.0=faster; 4.0=fastest)
- Teleport to Crosshair = teleport
- Change Size = ChangeSize [Value] (0.0=normal; 5.0=large; 10.0=larger; 15.0=big; 20.0=huge)
- Change Gravity = SetGravity [Value] (0.0 = no gravity, -1400.0 = normal gravity)
- Change Jump Height = SetJumpZ [Value] (600.0=normal; 1200.0=highest with no fall damage)
- Show/Hide HUD = HideHUD; ShowHUD
- 1st/3rd Person View = ToggleBehindView (reuse to switch back)
Plasmid/Tonic Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Plasmids/Tonics.
1.) Make a text file, call it
Tonic.txt, etc.
2.) In the file
DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
3.) Edit the text file you have just made with any of the following commands and place it into your BioShock "System" folder.
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Plasmid.txt"
5.) Head to a gene bank.
6.) Enjoy your newfound powers!
It is advised to use each code ONLY ONCE in each play through. If
entered more than once, or if entered after you already obtained it
in-game, the game will try to display a power that (technically) is no
longer there, as it's just been over-written, and it will not work
properly/produce strange effects/bug out your game.
I have included a few items that do not originally appear in the game. I
have given these to you for your convenience/game experience, but use
with caution. I will not be held accountable if you have used them
improperly. I did not however, include items that have been proven to
cause serious glitching/breaking of the game, such as the Teleport
plasmid, or items that have no effect/display.
- Alarm Expert = GEP AlarmExpert
- Alarm Expert 2 = GEP AlarmExpertTwo
- Armored Shell = GEP ArmoredBody
- Armored Shell 2 = GEP ArmoredBodyTwo
- Bloodlust = GEP Bloodlust
- Booze Hound = GEP BoozeHound
- Clever Inventor = GEP EfficientCrafter
- Cyclone Trap = GEP SpringboardTrap
- Cyclone Trap 2 = GEP SpringboardTrapTwo
- Damage Research = GEP DeepResearcher
- Damage Research 2 = GEP DeepResearcherTwo
- Electric Bolt 1 = GEP ElectricBolt
- Electric Bolt 2 = GEP ElectricBoltTwo
- Electric Bolt 3 = GEP ElectricBoltThree
- Electric Flesh = GEP ElectricBody
- Electric Flesh 2 = GEP ElectricBodyTwo
- Enrage! = GEP BerserkRage
- EVE Link = GEP MedHypoOmnisynthesis
- EVE Link 2 = GEP MedHypoOmnisynthesisTwo
- EVE Saver = GEP BioAmmoEfficiency
- Extra Nutrition = GEP HealthyConsumer
- Extra Nutrition 2 = GEP HealthyConsumerTwo
- Extra Nutrition 3 = GEP HealthyConsumerThree
- Focused Hacker = GEP ElectronicsExpert
- Focused Hacker 2 = GEP ElectronicsExpertTwo
- Frozen Field = GEP FreezingNimbus
- Frozen Field 2 = GEP FreezingNimbusTwo
- Hacker's Delight = GEP GeneticHacker
- Hacker's Delight 2 = GEP GeneticHackerTwo
- Hacker's Delight 3 = GEP GeneticHackerThree
- Hacking Expert = GEP HackingExpert
- Hacking Expert 2 = GEP HackingExpertTwo
- Human Inferno = GEP SuperHeated
- Human Inferno 2 = GEP SuperHeatedTwo
- Hypnotize Big Daddy = GEP SummonProtector
- Hypnotize Big Daddy 2 = GEP SummonProtectorTwo
- Incinerate! 1 = GEP Incineration
- Incinerate! 2 = GEP IncinerationTwo
- Incinerate! 3 = GEP IncinerationThree
- Insect Swarm = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmid
- Insect Swarm 2 = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmidTwo
- Insect Swarm 3 = GEP InsectSwarmPlasmidThree
- Machine Buster = GEP MachineBully
- Machine Buster 2 = GEP MachineBullyTwo
- Medical Expert = GEP MedicineFriendly
- Medical Expert 2 = GEP MedicineFriendlyTwo
- Medical Expert 3 = GEP MedicineFriendlyThree
- Natural Camouflage = GEP ChameleonBlood
- Organic Pockets (double carry capacity) = GEP OrganicPockets
- Photographer's Eye = GEP EyeForDetail
- Photographer's Eye 2 = GEP EyeForDetailTwo
- Prolific Inventor = GEP ProlificCrafter
- Safecracker = GEP StationExpert
- Safecracker 2 = GEP StationExpertTwo
- Scrounger = GEP ThoroughScavenger
- Security Bullseye = GEP SecurityBeacon
- Security Evasion = GEP NearSightedCameras
- Security Evasion 2 = GEP NearSightedCamerasTwo
- Security Expert = GEP SecuritySystemsExpert
- Security Expert 2 = GEP SecuritySystemsExpertTwo
- Shorten Alarms = GEP ShorterAlarm
- Shorten Alarms 2 = GEP ShorterAlarmTwo
- Shutdown Expert (increase hack time) = GEP ExtendedShutdown
- Sport Boost = GEP FastTwitch
- Sport Boost 2 = GEP FastTwitchTwo
- Speedy Hacker = GEP SlowFlow
- Speedy Hacker 2 = GEP SlowFlowTwo
- Static Discharge = GEP ChargedBursts
- Static Discharge 2 = GEP ChargedBurstsTwo
- Target Dummy = GEP DecoyHuman
- Telekinesis = GEP Telekinesis
- Telekinesis 2 = GEP TelekinesisTwo
- Telekinesis 3 = GEP TelekinesisThree
- Vending Expert = GEP VendingExpert
- Vending Expert 2 = GEP VendingExpertTwo
- Winter Blast 1 = GEP IcicleAssault
- Winter Blast 2 = GEP IcicleAssaultTwo
- Winter Blast 3 = GEP IcicleAssaultThree
- Wrench Jockey = GEP MeleeMaster
- Wrench Jockey 2 = GEP MeleeMasterTwo
- Wrench Lurker = GEP SneakAttack
- Wrench Lurker 2 = GEP SneakAttackTwo
Item Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Items/Weapons.
1.) Make a text file, call it
Weapon.txt, etc.
2.) In the file
DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
3.) Edit the text file you have just made with any of the following commands and place it into your BioShock "System" folder.
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Item.txt"
5.) Enjoy your new items!
Each Item has a specific inventory limit listed with "(normal/organic)"
next to each code; 999 is more effective to max each item if using
multiple codes, so you don't confuse yourself.
It is not advised to use AddWeaponStatUpgrade or GiveWeapon commands
more than once. You should make seperate .txt files for these. It is not
advised to use a higher value than (1) for the Slot/Health Bar/Eve Bar
codes. You should make seperate .txt files for each Slot Upgrade/Health
Bar/EVE Bar, so you can specifically control what you are doing to
Items, Weapons, and Ammunition
- GiveItem 1-9999 ShockGame.Adam (9999)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.AutoHack (5/10)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockDesignerClasses.BioAmmoHypo (9/18)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Film (100)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockDesignerClasses.MedHypo (9/18)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.WeaponsGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.EngineeringGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.PhysicalGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.ActiveGeneticSlotUpgrade (6)
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.BioAmmoUpgrade
- GiveItem 1 ShockGame.HealthUpgrade
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Pistol
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_AntiPersonnel (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_ArmorPiercing (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Pistol_Bullet (48/96)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.ChemicalThrower
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_IonicGel (200/400)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_Kerosene (400/800)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.ChemicalThrower_LiquidNitrogen (200/400)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Crossbow
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_Bolt (48/96)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_SuperHeatedBolt (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Crossbow_TrapBolt (24/48)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Wrench
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.Shotgun
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_00Buck (48/96)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_HighExplosiveBuck (24/48)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.Shotgun_IonicBuck (24/48)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.MachineGun
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_ArmorPiercingBullet (180/360)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_FrozenBullet (180/360)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.MachineGun_Bullet (360/720)
- GiveWeapon ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_FragGrenade (12/24)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_RPG (6/12)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.GrenadeLauncher_StickyGrenade (6/12)
- GiveItem 1-999 ShockGame.CeilingCrawlerOrgan
Power To The People Upgrades
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Pistol MagazineSize
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Pistol Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade ChemicalThrower ConsumptionRate
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade ChemicalThrower Range
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Crossbow BreakageChance
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Crossbow Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade GrenadeLauncher Immunity
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade GrenadeLauncher Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade MachineGun Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade MachineGun Kickback
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Shotgun Damage
- AddWeaponStatUpgrade Shotgun RateOfFire
Research Bonus Cheats
Follow these instructions to be able to obtain any or all of the following Research Bonuses.
1.) Make a text file, call it
2.) In the file
DefUser_int, which is located inside the Release folder, set up a key with the following command:
3.) Edit the text file you have just made with any of the following commands and place it into your BioShock "System" folder.
4.) Once you are in the game, hit the button you had bound to "exec Research.txt"
5.) Enjoy!
These codes offer the maximum "XP" value for each enemy. Should only be
used once. I don't recommend using more than one code at a time, as it
may make your game unresponsive.
- Bouncer Big Daddy = TestAddResearchPoints Bouncer 2000
- Houdini Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints Assassin 1750
- Leadhead Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints RangedAggressor 1750
- Little Sister = TestAddResearchPoints Gatherer 2000
- Nitro Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints Grenadier 1750
- Rosie = TestAddResearchPoints Rosie 2000
- Security Bot = TestAddResearchPoints SecurityBot 1750
- Security Camera = TestAddResearchPoints SecurityCamera 1750
- Spider Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints CeilingCrawler 1750
- Thuggish Splicer = TestAddResearchPoints MeleeThug 1750
- Turret = TestAddResearchPoints Turret 1750